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Unapologetic Happiness

Anna Tshngryan
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)
4 min readJan 7, 2020


I am being told regularly that I smile too much, I’m nice too much, I laugh too hard. My type of people are mostly left misunderstood by society. People here are not ok if the person standing in front of them is in general satisfied with his life. This is the ugly truth of my city: the setting of my nation. Happiness is not accepted, cheerfulness is confusing. What happens is that positive people start feeling bad for being happy.

People are criticizing this behavior by assuming that the reason is that happy ones didn’t have a difficult life and never went through anything. In my opinion, the fundamental idea is on another side which they didn’t take into account.

It’s not the circumstances that shape us or change us, but how we react to them.

It is an individual’s own decision to either stay on the situation and start the ocean of complaints which will affect the people near him or fully go through what happened, analyze it, come to conclusions, finally digest the case and move on.

Everything that happens doesn’t only categorize as good or bad. It is all an experience that stays with us and helps us in the future. I had an interesting case which happened to me a couple of months ago. I got a job in a company of 60 people, which was the biggest one I worked in. Though the position was exactly the one I was chasing for more than 5 months, everything turned not as exciting and marvelous as it seemed to be at the beginning. The managerial job was done horribly if we can somehow say that managerial thing was at least present over there. The people I had direct contact with, were overwhelmingly toxic and completely reluctant to help. Moreover, they would never miss a chance to show their loudmouth essence. Everything and everybody was gossiped about in a very rude and displeasing manner.

Now, imagine me, a 21 years old girl who just entered the biggest office of her life, not imagining what is happening, and starts working in that environment. Not so cool, huh? After 6 months of working here, I found a much better place, which suited my professional and personal needs and left. It was stressful and irritating to be present in that environment for more than 40 hours per week, nevertheless, there was always the idea present inside my head that everything happening had its positive effect. First of all, I got huge experience of working and communicating with people not of my sort. Secondly, I understood that people will perceive you not by the way you are, but what you show and what you speak. Even if you feel uncomfortable, even if you are shy at first, fake at least moderate confidence or people will eat you alive. The same thing applies to other “bad” events happening in our lives. Let yourself go through it, grow, learn and move on.

This was the lesson that I have learnt.

Nothing on earth should influence you so much that you lose your inner happiness and belief that everything is right.

In my opinion, people don’t want to know what is happening inside your head, what you are going through. All they see is your happy face and that’s it. People are very crude when it comes to another person’s feelings. They might mix everything up inside you and then say they don’t understand you, and just leave. This happened quite a lot in my life, which makes me feel very sad and sorry for them.

I seek the people who maintain this state, people who value happiness as much as me. I wish our community would understand that happiness is not something discrete, it doesn’t come at one time and leave 3 minutes after. It is a state of mind, that some people are lucky to live with. The feeling of peace, sacred happiness and love towards the world is what in my mind is the most essential thing in life. For me, knowing exactly what an individual wants to feel and controlling the setting in which he puts himself is the most majestic thing he can do for his life. This is the decision of living a conscious life. A choice of living a quality life, even when everything seems mixed up and wrong, not losing the inner happiness and belief for the best.

I urge people to become the ones who cheer up people in front of them, who give hope and confidence for a better tomorrow.

